Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wintertime Special Treats to Warm You! considering the polar vortex..

SORRY...With the Polar Vortex cold that has hit the Midwest... I haven't had anything sublime nor interesting to blog about.

One bottle Red Zinfandel Wine
1 cinnamon stick
1 star anise
4 cloves
1/2 vanilla pod or 1 teaspoon real vanilla extract
peel of one orange

In a medium saucepan, combine all ingredients bring to a simmer on low heat for 15 minutes and then remove from heat.  Let sit 30 minutes and then serve at room temperature.  Easy, warming from the inside out.

I know it is not wine but I love Pink.  This is VMAs 2011 award hair.  Had my hair like this today!!

Hopefully the Spring will come and I will have some cool stuff to blog about!
Stay Uber Warm!